5 Facts about Luxury Redesigned Jewelry

If you are like us, a lover of unique and exclusive jewelry, here are 5 facts about redesigned (also known as reworked / upcycled / repurposed) jewelry that you need to know before purchasing one.

#1: Redesign means to make changes to the original version of something.

#2: The process of redesigned luxury jewelry is quite tedious and involves a high-cost price.

#3: We source for various pieces to work with, from designer keychains, handbags, or other types of jewelry.
(eg: transforming Gucci earrings into delicate pendant necklace / transforming Louis Vuitton multi pastille bag charm into classic pendant necklaces and bracelets)

#4: Authentication of items is necessary, but tricky most of the time. 
To be honest, redesigned luxury jewelry can be tricky if you do not know where the charms are coming from. For example, buttons are extremely difficult to authenticate and they do not have a special code or signal to authenticate them.

Therefore, we only purchase items that we know are authentic because they follow the standards and guidelines of our authenticity guidelines. For example, we purchase from authenticated and award-winning international resellers such as Style Tribute, Vestiaire Collective and more. We also purchase from authenticated and award-winning local luxury resellers such as LuxCollate, Abara and more. Their authentication team carefully inspects every item received at their warehouse, and the strict authentication process is what makes them trustable and successful. They examine the brand stamps, hardware, serial and date codes, to name but a few.

#5: Deconstruct to reconstruct the item, after planning the design of the final style. 
(eg: Is it going to be a necklace, choker or bracelet? Which is the best necklace chain to match the pendant with?) 

Stay tuned for more blog posts as we bring you through our creative journey.

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